Is it a dust pollution or some biological or organic charged
Dr. Nitish Priyadarshi
Two orbs are seen in the above picture.
The term orb describes unexpected, typically
circular artifacts that occur in flash photography—sometimes with trails
indicating motion—especially common with modern compact and ultra-compact
digital cameras. Many people capture illuminated, circular spots in their
photographs. These spots are commonly known as orbs.
Having been a photographer for 30 years, I’ve experienced
all kinds of flaws, defects and other apparitions on my negatives and now
digital images. Most have been identified or at the least, understood to
be some kind of image pollution ranging from light leaks, lens flares, dust,
fog or other type of atmospheric condition. Since the advent of digital
imaging however, there is a new phenomenon called “orbs” that are appearing in
increasing numbers on many photographer’s images today.
I started to become aware of orbs appearing in my pictures
and I didn't know what they were at first. These orbs were caught in Ranchi on my rooftop, in
the street etc. Surprisingly very few Orbs were found in street compared to sky
or on roof top. In a forest area near to road there was no orbs found. Some people explain orbs as light reflected off
surrounding surfaces; some explain them as light reflected off dust particles;
and some explain them as spirits or other entities normally invisible to the
human eye.
The “orbs” that people “catch” are usually water vapor,
dust, lens reflection (or any reflection actually), pollen or bugs. Orbs are
the most commonly found anomaly in spirit photography, as well as on video. As
all paranormal investigators and skeptics know, there are many natural elements
that can appear to be orbs in photographs - Things such as dust, pollen and other
airborne particles, rain, snow, moisture and even humidity. Rain and snow are
simple to distinguish from orbs in photographs. Some say that orbs have many
names including globes, globules, balls of light, and hovering round balls.
They appear in all ranges of brightness from bright-&-glowing to
faded-&-barely-visible. Others say that its marsh gas, static electrical
activity; or other point light sources such as a glowing cigarette, fireflies,
glow worms, flashlight reflections etc. They are usually quite fast and follow
an erratic pattern of flight. Little research has been done on this phenomenon.

Above figures show good amount of orbs in the sky.
In the above figure only few orbs are seen near to earth compared to the sky.
I started doing
research on these orbs keeping in mind that it’s related to dust pollution. I
got surprising results. I tried to create dust pollution by making fire using
some dried woods and papers. When I clicked my camera to my surprise there were
only two to three orbs in the air. Is it possible that even burning of woods
and papers in good amount there will be very few dust pollution? When I used my
camera in my rooms there were no orbs found. This means that my house is
completely free of dust pollution? Other big question is that why all the orbs
which my camera captured were few near to the earth compared to sky. Even they
were found in some good amount near the dense trees when we know that trees
works as a good absorbent of dust pollution. We suggest people residing near by
highways or mining areas to plant more trees to minimize dust pollution. If
these orbs are really dust pollution then planting trees is not going to help
to absorb dust pollution. All the orbs which I captured where in good amount
high in the sky than compared near to the earth. In some areas it was totally
To see the minute structure of dust particle we need
electron microscope. If you see the dust particles through electron microscope
it will show different structures not like orbs as it is shown below. I am sure
these orbs are some energized or charged particles but not dust particles.
See how the dust particles look in electron microscope in the above figure.
Experts say that the orbs are also found due to the water
molecules, rain drops in the air. I took most of the photographs in the month
of March in my city when it’s a dry and hot with no rainfall. Then how it’s
possible that orbs were seen in the air?
I also tried to monitor their movement with the help of my
infrared camera. Sometimes they were found floating randomly in the air and
sometimes in particular direction. Many times I have also seen these orbs
moving in very slow motion. How it’s possible that when there is no wind movement
these orbs were found moving upwards against the gravitational pull? Any dust
pollution has the tendency to settle down in absence of wind or during
Colors in particles always indicate impurities or pollution
or due to presence of metals in the particles. In my pictures many orbs were
colorful from blue to golden yellow. This means that these orbs are highly
toxic for humans. But to my knowledge metal pollution or other pollution is
only there where this continuous combustion of fuel, chemical processes, active
mining areas, disturbing the soil during agricultural activity, volcanic
eruption or some metal producing industries.
I took all my photographs either in open grass land or forest area where
the air pollution are at their lower level
or in my house far away from highway or factories.
In the above picture only few orbs are seen in the garden
No orbs are seen here beside the road.
In the above picture orbs are seen but in remote area outside Ranchi.
No orbs are seen here in the forest area beside highway.
Here also no orbs are seen. This forest area is also near highway.
But on the same highway few kms towards Ranchi orbs are seen.
Ok, is it aerosols? We know that the air that we breath
every day is primarily composed of gas molecules, but it also contains a large
variety of suspended solid and liquid particles. These particles in suspension
in the atmosphere are called aerosols. Aerosols are present in many aspects of
our daily life.
Or it’s a fly ash? In an industrial context, fly ash usually
refers to ash produced during combustion of coal. Fly ash is generally captured
by electrostatic precipitators or other particle filtration equipment before
the flue gases reach the chimneys of coal-fired power plants, and together with
bottom ash removed from the bottom of the furnace is in this case jointly known
as coal ash. But as I told you earlier all these photographs were taken
far away from such industries which generate fly ash. Also simple camera cannot
take the pictures of fly ash. We need electron microscope to see the clear
image of fly ash.
One theory says that it’s a ball of energy. Other theory
says that its bugs or condensation. These two elements are very reflective and
produce a vibrant orb because there is more surface area to bounce the light
off of. Bugs have exoskeletons which are usually shiny. Water is very
reflective in nature. Some say its pollen grains.
Orbs are seen here around Ashok Tree which acts as a good dust absorbent.
According to me, its not just dust particle. It’s something else
like some biological or organic charged particle. They use their self generated
energy to float around in the atmosphere. I have seen their movement in an open
space with my infra red camera. They sometimes move upwards sometimes move in
particular direction and sometimes randomly. They rarely collide with each
Many theories have come forward on the mysteries of orbs.
But the question still remains, what is orbs?